Step 1: How to Treat Your Food

Use our Natural Digestion Aids daily and routinely in the preparation of your food

Prepare ALL food and drink with Biohawk Australia’s ginger products.

Bakery Products and Batters

Biohawk Australia products break down the gluten and other harmful proteins found in ‘normal’ flours and other grains. Using Bake Aid in your cooking allows you to bake with these flours and grains without the adverse reactions caused by food intolerance.

Bake Aid, Relief or DigestEasy solution can be added to the liquid (normally water, milk, or egg) in the usual recipe in the following amounts per cup wheat flour:

Bake aid can also be sifted through your flour.

Bakery Products and Batters

  • The gluten protein is digested during the dough formation and cooking. This frees-up the structure of the dough so that the volume of the product is increased. If you are using a bread machine, it is wise not to try to make the largest loaf in the machine’s recipe book, because the bread will rise more than for untreated flour and impact on the lid of the bread machine.
  • The Biohawk ginger enzyme specifically digests the prolyl peptides in the gluten proteins so that these proteins or their fragments cannot stimulate the immune system for people with the gene for food intolerance including the people who are Coeliac.
  • This digestion of the gluten proteins that encapsulate the grain’s nutrition releases the full nutrition of the flour for metabolic uptake in the small intestine including the starch, the minerals and vitamins. Without the Biohawk ginger, the gluten proteins and their encapsulated nutrients pass through the small intestine into the large intestine where they are fermented by bacteria causing the hind-gut to become acidic preventing the survival of “good” bacteria such as are sold to you as “probiotics” and which normally populate a healthy hind-gut, and releasing toxins that can seriously adversely affect your health. This is true for all people, whether they have food intolerance or they do not suffer from food intolerance.
  • The above concentration of ginger does not give the product a “ginger” flavour.
  • All cereal, pseudo-cereals and legume grain flours have proline-rich proteins that need to be digested before they are eaten in the same way as the wheat flour is digested. Pseudo-cereals such as, quinoa, have a lower level of problem proteins than cereal grains, but it is wise to treat them in the food preparation.
  • If you buy commercial products such as breakfast cereals, bread, cakes, and biscuits that claim to be “gluten-free”, which means they do not have the wheat proteins in them to a level of detection, it is very important for you determine what are the ingredients, and do not buy them if they contain other cereal grains, legume grains, and pseudo-cereals. Rice, potato and tapioca flours are OK.
  • Do not buy commercial flours such as bread mixes with added “gluten”. The extracted gluten that is added into some flours has been processed into a form that is much more difficult to digest even with the Biohawk ginger.
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Nuts, Seeds, Grains & Legumes

Soak overnight in water with Relief or Digest Easy solution and then cook as required or dry using a dehydrator or oven set on low, or for nuts and seeds lightly coat with the Ginger Infused Oil and warm in the oven. (2 teaspoons of Relief or 1 teaspoon Relief Double Strength or 8 teaspoons Digest Easy solution per kilogram of nuts, seeds, grains or legumes in enough water to cover)

Dairy Products

All milk that enters the kitchen should be treated on opening. Add ½ teaspoon DigestEasy solution per litre of milk (or 1/8 teaspoon Relief or 1/16 teaspoon Relief Double Strength).

The caseins and beta-lactoglobulin that are proline-rich and cause food intolerance are rapidly digested.

Cream and yoghurt need double the amount of the ginger product per litre and Relief is the preferred product. Add 1/4 teaspoon Relief or 1/8 teaspoon Relief Double Strength per litre.

Make your own ice cream and custard with the milk, cream, and eggs each treated with the Biohawk Australia ginger.

Butter does not seem to give an intolerant reaction probably because the proteins have been washed out.


Break eggs into a cup and put a drop of Ginger Infused Oil on top of the egg, gently swirl. (Alternatively dust the egg with Relief and add a little rice bran oil or extra virgin olive oil.)

For a boiled egg in its shell, take an egg from the refrigerator, put a small hole in the shell at the broad end with an egg piercer, and place in a saucepan and cover the egg with cold water from the refrigerator (2.5cm above the egg) and add ½ teaspoon of DigestEasy solution or 1/8 teaspoon of Relief or 1/16 teaspoon Relief Double Strength. Leave for 10 minutes and place saucepan on a hot plate and bring to the boil. When it boils, remove the saucepan from the stove and leave for 4 minutes to give a soft-boiled egg, 6 or 8 minutes for medium-boiled egg, or 10 minutes for a hard-boiled egg. Run cold water over the egg to stop the cooking process.


The feed the animal ate had proline-rich proteins and a fraction of these may be stored in the animals’ fat. The collagen in meat’s connective tissue can make the meat tough but the ginger enzymes will break down the collagen at 50 – 67˚C and will digest any proline-rich protein in the fat. Independent trials have shown the Biohawk Australia ginger products to be the best natural tenderizer of meat.


Preparing fish with the Ginger Infused Oil has positive impacts on the flavour and texture. Other seafoods such as crustaceans including lobsters, crabs, and prawns, cephalopods including octopus, and squid, bivalves including clams, oysters, scallops and mussels, and other molluscs such as abalone all benefit greatly from preparation with Biohawk Australia’s enzyme-rich ginger products. The Ginger Infused Oil is easy to apply before cooking the food, but the Relief or DigestEasy solution can be added to the water where the animal is stored or into the water that is to be used for cooking. The ginger enzymes ensure the meat is not tough, and the flavour improves when it is cooked.

Vegetables and Salads

Use Ginger Infused Oil to coat all vegetables being prepared before they are cooked (fried, grilled, baked, boiled, or steamed) or before they are included in a salad. Alternatively, sprinkle Relief powder or DigestEasy solution over vegetables and then toss with rice bran or extra virgin olive oil to coat. For a salad, toss in some Balsamic Vinegar or other vinegar or other favoured ingredient.


Sprinkle Relief powder or DigestEasy solution over fruits such as berries, banana, and melons or alternatively add either ginger product to a little orange or other juice to coat sliced fruit.


Wine, whisky, beer, gin, fruit juices, coffee, and tea all have proline-rich proteins that affect food intolerant people, make the drink bitter, and limit the pleasurable flavour and aroma of the drink. Adding a very little Relief dust OR 2 drops of DigestEasy solution to a standard glass or cup of these drinks will digest the proline-rich proteins, noticeably improving the taste and making them safe for food intolerant people. If you buy a commercial shake/smoothie, add ¼ teaspoon Relief or 1/8 teaspoon Relief Double Strength. High powered juicers break down cells in vegetables and fruits releasing hydrogen peroxide that oxidises the ginger enzymes. You would need to condition the plant material with ginger before juicing.

Sauces and Condiments

When you buy soy or other sauce or condiments open and treat with Ginger Infused Oil, Relief or DigestEasy solution and then store in the refrigerator until required.

Biohawk Australia uses its ginger food products, with the Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) classification, to condition food and drinks during their preparation to digest the proline-rich proteins that hypersensitize the immune system of people with the food intolerance gene, preventing the interaction of these proteins with the immune system, thereby allowing the reduction of the sensitivity of the immune system, removing the cause of food intolerance and allergy for the high percentage of people with a gene for food intolerance and allergy.

All people benefit from eating food and drink that has been prepared with Biohawk Australia’s ginger, because it enables the full nutrition of food to be digested – releasing all the energy, vitamins, minerals, flavour, and aroma while also aiding gut health by reducing the fermentation of high energy food in the large intestine that causes the pH to drop under the pH necessary for good bacteria to flourish correcting a serious microbiome imbalance. You can reduce the amount of food you eat by at least 40%.

How to Make Ginger Oil

With Relief: Add 5 teaspoons 
of Relief to 200ml 
of Rice Bran Oil or Extra Virgin Olive oil and store ready to use.

With Relief Double Strength: Add 2.5 teaspoons 
of Relief Double Strength to 200ml 
of Rice Bran Oil or Extra Virgin Olive oil and store ready to use.

With DigestEasy Powder: Add 1 sachet (4g) or 1 ¼ teaspoons DigestEasy Powder into 500mL Rice Bran Oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil, either of which is able to carry the ginger enzymes through the food very efficiently – not other oils.

Food Intolerance & Allergy

Treat yourself! Digest away food intolerance and allergy with Biohawk Australia.

Food Preparation

Start cooking! Learn how to prepare your food with Biohawk Australia.

How to Treat Your Food

Start cooking! Learn how to prepare your food with Biohawk Australia.

Biohawk Australia

Are food intolerances and allergies disrupting your life? There is a solution!

Do you suffer from Reflux? Bloating? Gas? Fuzzy head? General pain in your gut? Fat laid down on your thighs, bottom, breast or tummy? or any of the many auto-immune conditions associated with food intolerance?

We are here to answer your enquiries.

We always welcome emails from our customers or potential customers to discuss our products and their applicability to a particular condition.

Need quick answers to your questions, please check our FAQ section here.

Biohawk Australia products are available at our good friend’s café of Bellissimo Coffee at the address below.


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