Step 2 – Treat Yourself

How do you treat yourself?

With Ginger Products

Take one of Biohawk Australia’s ‘ginger products’ (Relief in water or a juice, or DigestEasy solution straight or in a juice) in an amount proportional to your weight (see link to dosage chart below) morning and night usually after a meal:

  • to ensure the foods’ proline-rich proteins have been totally digested and the immune system is calmed down so that it functions normally, ensuring the autoimmune disease genes are switched off,
  • to activate macrophages to assist in the body’s natural repair system,
  • to give a ‘haircut’ to proline-rich proteins on the membranes of viruses, bacteria, and other dangerous cells.

With Pineapple Products

To remove carbohydrate coatings from proline-rich membrane proteins on ‘bad’ cells infecting your body, so the ginger enzymes can more effectively digest these proline-rich proteins, take Biohawk Australia’s Pine Crush solution (1 teaspoon – 5mL- for a child and 2 teaspoons – 10mL for an adult) at least twice a day and before taking the ‘ginger product’ by at least 10 minutes (recommended before meals).

A healthy baby is a happy baby… start right with Biohawk Australia.

Treat your pets! Protect your four legged friends from food intolerance and allergy.

Helpful videos… watch our video tutorials on how to treat your food.

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Biohawk Australia Pty Ltd

12 Cavendish Road
QLD 4151 Australia


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Biohawk Australia is an Australian-owned company registered in Queensland.