World Breast Feeding Week: August 1 – 7

Breast milk is the best nutrition you can offer your newborn and offers tremendous health benefits to both mother and child. It is specially designed to cater for all your child’s nutritional needs within at least the first six months of life. But for many women their baby may refuse to latch on or they may have other issues that may prevent breast-feeding. During the first months of its life, a baby develops brain white matter, and learns to eat, move, communicate, and develops its bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscle cells, which all grow and develop quickly.  If the baby’s immune system has been sensitized in the womb or after birth, and it has the gene for food intolerance, all food including mother’s milk will progressively hypersensitize the baby’s immune system with the risk of switching-on an autoimmune gene that the baby has inherited causing a major health problem for the infant. Biohawk Australia’s enzyme-rich food products and the 2-step plan have been very successful in switching-off such autoimmune genes.

The solution is easy!

Refusal to latch on to mother‘s breast
If the baby’s immune system that recognizes the protein casein is switched on in utero as a result of her mother’s immunity gene being switched on during pregnancy, the new born baby will detect the casein in its mother’s milk and may refuse to latch on to the breast.  The mother’s gene can be “switched-on” by stress, by vaccinations or by an infection.

Solution: Put a drop of DigestEasy under the baby’s tongue before being offered the breast:  the baby will most likely latch on and have no adverse reaction to the casein proteins.

Colic, reflux, vomiting and possible fits from casein in mother’s milk
If the baby has the gene for food intolerance and that gene has been switched on in utero or possibly by a vaccination or from stress or from an initial infection, then the baby will have an adverse reaction to the casein in its mother’s milk with serious consequences such as colic, reflux, vomiting and possibly fits.

Solution: Determine the baby’s weight (say 6Kg) and divide by 3 (2 mL): this gives the total number of mL of DigestEasy per day to be put under the baby’s tongue before feeds. Divide the mL by the number of feeds, and this gives you the amount per feed (say 6 feeds which equates to 1/3 mL per feed (about 5 or 6 drops)).  The baby’s tears and problems evaporate.

Reactions to formula or milk
If the baby has its food intolerance gene switched on do not give it a formula with soy in it. The soy proteins are much more difficult to digest especially as the bean has inhibitors to stop the digestion. The ginger enzymes will digest these proteins but it takes more time.  Packaged baby formulas and animal milk have casein and other proteins that will cause a food intolerant reaction.  These proteins need to be digested prior to the baby drinking the milk to prevent colic, reflux, vomiting and possibly fits.

 Solution:  If the baby is on a bottle feed with a powdered milk formula, try animal milk and add the DigestEasy into the milk (half teaspoon – 2.5mL – per litre milk).  This will digest the casein and other protein components that cause an adverse reaction. Peace will reign.  Commercial formulas usually have metals that inactivate the ginger enzymes.