by biohawk_design | Sep 26, 2021 | Beauty, Health, Life, Products
It’s ok to take a little time out of your busy life to just focus on you – Collin Baptiste The practice of soaking feet in a foot bath has been an integral part of Chinese medicine for centuries. The importance was written in the “Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon”...
by biohawk_design | Aug 7, 2021 | Food, Health, Life, Products
The answer may seem complex but in fact it is simple. Biohawk Australia’s natural digestion aids are rich in natural enzymes from gingers (Relief and DigestEasy) or pineapple (PineCrush). All customers will need to take either Relief or DigestEasy. Which one should I...
by biohawk_design | Nov 18, 2020 | Food, Life
Every year it seems Christmas sneaks up on us. But Christmas doesn’t have to be stressful, there are some very easy steps you can take to get ready early. Imagine actually enjoying Christmas and leaving the stress behind! This is possible and not hard to...
by biohawk_design | Sep 30, 2020 | Beauty, Health, Life, Products
Global Handwashing day is on October 15, 2020. Have you ever thought about where soap came from and its benefits? Our skin is bombarded daily with the impacts of the sun, drying winds, bacteria and dirt. Our distant ancestors learned quickly that preserving the health...
by biohawk_design | Aug 30, 2020 | Food, Health, Life
“Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.”Unknown Springtime is a time of positivity. The landscape is draped in beautiful colours as the new growth and blooms emerge. The days are warmer; the transformation of spring is here. Mother nature’s...