Unlocking Nature's Secrets for Better Health

Welcome to Biohawk Australia

Biohawk Australia uses natural enzymes from ginger and pineapple to combat food intolerance, allergies, and infections. Discover how our innovative solutions can enhance your wellbeing.

Innovative Biotechnology Solutions

About Biohawk Australia

Biohawk Australia has searched nature to find a broad-range, rapid, safe, natural treatment for and prevention of serious diseases caused by food intolerance and allergy and their associated autoimmune diseases, and by viral and bacterial infections, and has also discovered an important key to good nutrition and palatable food for humans and other animals.

We are an Australian-owned company registered in Queensland.

Original Hummus

Our Core Values


Pioneering natural biotechnology to improve health and wellbeing.


Committed to eco-friendly practices and products.


Upholding the highest standards in everything we do.


Fostering a positive impact on our local and global communities.

Our Approach

Biohawk Australia’s approach is to use common plant foods – ginger spices and pineapple – rich in their unique natural enzymes:

  • to digest proline-rich proteinsthat are resistant to digestion by our own enzymes, and that occur in all plant-based foods and drinks plus milk, and eggs, that cause food intolerance, allergy, and other serious diseases, that are in the connective tissue of fish and meat that can cause these foods to be tough, and coat the membranes of ‘bad’ organisms such as viruses and harmful bacteria
  • to reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases by digesting the main cause for the T-helper 2 cell (Th2) immune system becoming hypersensitized, allowing it to return to normal levels where autoimmune disease genes are switched-off
  • to repair life’s damages to our bodies

and to condition food to release fully the foods’ mineral, vitamin and energy nutrients that are encapsulated in proline-rich proteins.

Our Mission

Our Founder

Biohawk Australia's Technology

Biohawk Australia’s technology was founded by Professor Cliff Hawkins and his family.

Professor Hawkins studied for his Honours Degree in Chemistry from the University of New South Wales’ college at Newcastle and for his PhD in Medical Chemistry from the John Curtin School of Medical Research at the Australian National University in Canberra in 1963.

He was awarded a Doctor of Science by ANU in 1980. He has the distinction of being awarded the Mendeleev Medal by the Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences for outstanding work in Chemistry, and the Inorganic Chemistry Medal of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.

He has held academic and research appointments at the HC Oersted Institute of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of California Berkeley, the University of California Davis, University of Virginia Charlottesville, and the University of Queensland, where he was Professor of Chemistry, Dean of Science and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Biological Sciences) prior to taking the appointment as Principal of the University of New England – Armidale, Australia’s leading rural university.

His work with the cattle industry led to the headquarters of the Beef Cattle Research Centre being named the “CJ Hawkins Homestead”. He has held the Presidency of the Australian Registered Cattle Breeders Association Inc and the Australian Coral Reef Society Inc.

He left academe in 1994 to work in the medical industry firstly as the CEO of ICT Diagnostics and Austcard International that developed and sold rapid diagnostic tests for a range of important diseases, and to research why members of his own family had life-threatening health conditions and how he could overcome these serious conditions.

His research in this area led to invention of the Biohawk Australia technology and the production of Biohawk Australia’s ginger and pineapple products. Biohawk Australia’s technology is licensed by Biohawk Australia Pty Ltd.

Biohawk Founder _ C J Hawkins
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